Why I like using CodeIgniter for developing web applications
Minimalist framework
CodeIgniter is a real simple PHP framework without additional bloat. It is really a PHP developer friendly framework, and nothing more than that. It is not pretending or trying to be anything other than that and this makes it great for developing robust web applications if your core technology is PHP. Everything from blog web applications to e-commerce app's, or social networks can be developed with CodeIgniter, with only the tools that you need as a developer, which is the framework itself. Small footprint and simplicity of CodeIgniter demand you to work with the framework itself as a tool, instead of different extensions or external modules, and this has shown to be a real advantage on multiple occasions.
Great performance
CodeIgniter’s performance is amazing. CodeIgniter is truly lightweight and fast, and this is a proven fact. Symfony and Laravel are great frameworks because they offer a lot, but as far as the performance is concerned, CodeIgniter is the overall winner.
Great documentation
CodeIgniter’s documentation is one of the best things about using CodeIgniter. It is clear, concise, regularly maintained, and with a great community of active developers. You can build a full stack web application out of the box just by reading and following CodeIgniter’s documentation.
Pleasure to work with
CodeIgniter contains all you need for web development, and with a proper measure of everything. You can use a built in command line utility like Spark ( if you are using Laravel and Artisan this will be familiar ) to create controllers, database seeders or migrations, you can use CodeIgniter Shield to install a full stack Register – Login authentication system, ready to use out of the box, or you can simply use a built in CodeIgniter debug toolbar to debug SQL queries. Whatever you choose to use out of this wonderful toolbox, CodeIgniter is a plesure to work with.